1. 关于被动语态的翻译
a) All the activities shall be governed by the laws of the countries concerned.
b) All disputes arising out of the performance of, or relating to this Contract, shall be settled amicably through negotiation.
2) 翻译时,若需强调代理人或行为当事人时,可以将被动词组转变为句子的主语。例如:
All the payments shall be made in the U.S. Currency by the Buyer to the Seller by telegraphic transfer to the Seller’s designated account with the Bank of China, Beijing, China.
3) 在翻译被动语态或句子时,有时候需要重新调整句子元素。如果从句中的状态副词不能表明该活动的执行者,我们可以将被动结构中的从句转换为主句。原始从句中的主语转换为指定主句中的受词。例如:
If a foreign auditor registered in other country is necessary to be employed to undertake annual financial checking and examination, Party A shall give its consent. All the expenses thereof shall be borne by Party B.
a) The establishment, remuneration and the expenses of the staff of the preparation and construction office, when agreed by both parties, shall be covered in the project budget.
b) The conditions for establishment of the Joint Venture Company and the total amount of investment and registered capital are stipulated in this Contract.
4) 在商务英语合约中,有一种特别的被动句式类型,即为,It is+过去分词+that 受词" ,它基本上已经形成了一个比较固定的翻译模式.
a) It is agreed that Party A shall have no obligation to pay for the insurance premium.
b) It is essentially stressed that the Buyers are requested to sign and return the duplicate of this Contract within 3 days from the date of receipt. In the event of failure to do this, the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the Contract.
a) The term for the technology transfer agreement is signed by Party A and the Solely Foreign-owned Enterprise, and it shall be approved by the approval authority.
b) If other coverage or an additional amount is required, the Buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyers.
2. 状语从句中关系副词的翻译
时间状语从句一般由“when, while , as , before , after , until , etc , can “ 等关系副词引导,用来描述当下,过去及未来的时间状态。商务英语合同中,常常会见到表时间的副词 “when, before 和 after “引导的从句。如下将举例说明此类时间状语从句在商务英语合同中的翻译。
1) 在汉语中, “when" 通常是指 “当…时候",但有些情况用副词“when"引导的子句视为条件从句,这可以翻译面汉语的条件副词子句。例如:
a) When one party to the Joint Venture Company assigns all or part of his investment,
the other party has preemptive right.
2) 连接词“before"在汉语中通常被翻译成“在……之前",在商务英语合约中,有时为了着重强调需履行的义务,“before" 在翻译成汉语时被翻译成当“….后, 才能….."。例如:
a) The manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered over, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity, weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection.
3) 连接词“after"在汉语中通常表示“在……后",在商务英语合约中,“after"有时在汉语中表示“……之日起"之意严谨之意。例如:
a) In case the Buyer finds any document incorrect, the Buyer is obliged to cable the Seller indicating the incorrect items. The cable shall be sent within twenty days after the Bank of China, Beijing Branch has received the Seller’s documents.
在商务英语合同中中也常见如“as if、in case、unless、once和so long as 等词引导的状语从句,在汉语中也有类似的连接词,例如“如果、万一、除非、一旦、只要”等。此外,在英语中并不是所有的副词引导的状语从句在翻译成汉语时都作副词。如下例:
1) 一个包含“除非(unless)”的句子既可表示真实状况也可表示非真实情况,在一个真实语句里面,“除非”有时可以用“如果不”来代替。在商务合同中“除非“经常用"除……另有……者外,“ 译成汉文。并且“除非”经常与“否则”一起用。
a) Unless the Contract provides otherwise, it is the Buyer’s legal duty to collect and transport the goods from the Seller’s premises.
b) Unless otherwise arranged, neither party shall have the right to represent the other party.
2) 连接词“whereas”有时连接两个独立的子句将其变为一个复合句,在汉语中也有类似的连接词如“而”。有时候“whereas” 在商务英语合约中通常被用于介绍背景与用途的序文中,代表已考虑到实际情况,因此在翻译成汉语时由副词引导的状语从句通常被翻译为“鉴于“。
a) Whereas Party B has the right and desires to transfer the aforesaid know-how to Party A, this Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by Party A and Party B.
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