“中学”一词究竟应该翻译成Middle School还是High School呢?
来源:朗文翻译 叶静
然而,“中学”一词通用的英文译法有“Middle School”还是“High School”呢?哪一种英文译法更具有权威性、更符合中国国情、更符合外国人的表达习惯呢?这一直是很多英语学习者关心的问题。今下来,我将结合我在从事翻译工作中所了解的关于“中学毕业证”翻译知识与大家分享一下,仅供大家参考:
“一般来说,High School和Middle School的定义因国家不同而有所不同。因此,根据中国具体情况对应翻译十分重要。比如说, 对于High school:“In Britain, a high school is a school for children aged between eleven and eighteen. In the United States, a high school is a school for children usually aged between fourteen and eighteen.” Middle school:“In Britain, a middle school is a state school that children go to between the ages of 8 or 9 and 12 or 13. In the United States, a middle school is a school for children in the fifth to eighth grades, between the ages of 10 and 13 or 14.” (柯林斯词典第五版) 根据我国中学具体情况可知,中学一般包括7-12年级的课程,主要面向的年龄段为13- 17岁年龄段的学生,因此,结合柯林斯词典的解释“High School”更贴切一些。
第一,衡水中学官方英文翻译为Hengshui No. 1 High School,人大附中官方英文翻译为The High School Affiliated to Renmin University
第二,更具权威性的是,在China Daily“十三五”一周热词回顾(10.30)中“China will gradually exempt tuition and fees for secondary vocational education. Tuition and fees will also be waived for senior high school students from poor families. 中国将逐步分类推进中等职业教育免除学杂费,为家庭经济困难的高中生免除学杂费”。文中提到“高中”英文译法为“Senior High School” 。
第三,在中国学位与教育文凭认证官网上,“高中学历认证”一词英文表述为“Senior High School Credential Verification”,参见www.chinadegrees.cn/en/。
通过上述分析,我们可以得出以下结论:“中学”一词的英文翻译为“High School”更加准确、更具权威,也更贴合中国国情,当然,“初中”翻译为“Junior High School”和“高中”翻译为“Senior High School”就顺理成章了。